Sunday, June 21, 2020

Father's Day Special 😊



When I was born...You were with me

You hold me like an angel...I could easily see...

Time flew very fast....I grew up

Holding your hand..I stood up...

You educate us, trained us, encouraged us

You showed many examples to motivate us....

I saw your struggle, your tired intense soul

All to fulfill our dreams, wishes and goal.....

Your hidden sacrifices no one can explain

In your strong smile, how much was the pain....

Your untold love, your unrated care

Whatever you did, we cannot compare....

You never expect praise or an honor

You always appreciate others by standing at the corner...

I love you so much Papa, I wanted you to know

You are my Super Hero, I truly mean so....


Below Image shows an unconditional and true love of father - children relation... It is a small effort portrayal by me for all amazing Fathers in the world.

Image reference-

Bonne Journee 😊



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