Tuesday, August 25, 2020

God - A Faith or Belief

 GOD – A Faith or Belief

“Faith is taking the first step even when you can’t see the whole Staircase”

A complete trust without an evidence or a Belief without any Proof!!

Each one prays to God according to his own light.

Now it is up to you how you see it….

Faith as a Belief

Faith as a Trust

Faith as a Confidence

Faith as a Knowledge

Faith as a Hope

Faith as a Virtue







Always light up the candle of Faith in your heart, you will see the Miracles.


A Portrait by me which shows the beauty of my faith.


Theme: Modern

Size:  40cm*50cm

Medium: Acrylic Colour 

Surface :  Canvas Board 

Artwork:  Handmade

Keep Dreaming 😊

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