Saturday, July 11, 2020

A Mindset

Hey Everyone... What’s up?

I hope you all must be having a good time!

Guys… have you ever heard “A Perfect life”? life with no obstacles, no complaints, no regrets, no wax and wane.... I guess No. But you know the best part - we can make it Perfect. Yeah A perfect life will not be a Myth anymore… if we change our Mindset.

Mindset Is What we see

“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” — Charles R. Swindoll

Our Mind is like a Magnet… what we think, we attract. If we think of problem, we find more and more problems however if we think of solution we will find many solutions. Basically, we have to play with our Mind. A physically challenged person can also climb a Mountain, A short heighted girl can also play basketball and A person who is poor is academics can also be a great scientist. It’s all about our Mindset. If you don’t learn how to control your mind, it will most definitely control you. Don’t allow external environment to rule your Mind. Believe is yourself and you will see the roses instead of thorn in your path.

Remember---We are the CEO of our life and we have the remote control... it is up to us which button we are pressing.

A portrait by me... If you change your Mind, you will see the other world. 

1 comment:


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